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Female Pattern Baldness


What is Alopecia?

Androgenic Alopecia or female pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss affecting 1 in 4 women. 

It is a genetic hair thinning condition that causes hair loss in men and women.

Any number of factors may cause androgenetic alopecia: high androgen birth control pills, ovarian cysts, hormones, menopause and pregnancy are all potential causes.

Alopecia Areata (AA) - most common type of hair loss which affects the scalp, eyebrows or beard. Alopecia is the term used to describe many types of hair loss and thinning hair problems. When the hair follicle is closed at scalp level, it indicated the bulb has died, and hair re-growth will not be possible.

It is a medical condition usually identified by hair loss in one or more round spots or patches on the scalp. The first symptoms of Alopecia Areata are small, soft skin, bald patches. The patches can appear in many shapes, but are usually small and round.
Alopecia Areata is not contagious and seems to occur more frequently in people who have relatives with autoimmune diseases, suggesting that genetic factors may contribute. When left untreated, or if the disease does not respond to treatment, Alopecia Areata can result in complete baldness of the affected area, Alopecia Totalis. 

  • Diffuse Alopecia - this condition occurs due to underlying medical conditions, such as iron deficiency where the hair loss may be more diffusely over the whole scalp. It may also go into remission for a period of time, or permanently.

  • Alopecia Areata Barbae - may be limited only to the beard.

  • Alopecia Areata Monolocularis - when baldness occurs in only one spot and may occur anywhere on the head.

  • Alopecia Areata Multilocularis - multiple areas of hair loss.

  • Alopecia Totalis - complete baldness of the affected area.

  • Traction Alopecia - hair loss usually occur at the forehead and temples-the areas where hair is pulled the tightest in braiding and styling.

  • Alopecia Universalis - all hair is lost from the entire body.

  • Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Totalis and Alopecia can also cause scarring damage to the scalp.

  • Trichotillomania - a compulsive hair pulling disorder


Treatments for Alopecia Areata

Most successful treatment of Alopecia Areata combines many modalities, with varied results from client to client.


Causes of Women's Hair Loss 


A large percentage of conditions are caused by inherited genetic influences, an over production of the male hormone testosterone. Hormonal changes occur during and following childbirth, through use of the contraceptive pill, anemia and the menopause. These are discussed separately together with treatments available below. 

Sadly, hair loss in women is on the increase. During the past 15 years trichologists have reported a significant increase in the number of cases, especially for those between the ages of 25 to 40. It’s estimated that six out of 10 women will experience hair loss to some degree during their lifetime.

Hormonal Imbalances - Hormonal imbalances can occur during menopause, postpartum, chemotherapy treatments, stress, depression, or as part of a disorder such as Alopecia Areata.


  • Medication - Some medications can damage hair and cause hair loss.

  • Tight hair braiding - Pulling hair too tight can damage the hair follicle, preventing hair from growing back properly.

  • Chemical hair relaxers - Hair relaxers can damage hair and cause hair loss.

  • Hair pulling - Hair loss can result from a compulsive hair pulling disorder such as Trichotillomania.

  • Poor nutrition - Eating the wrong foods or getting insufficient nutrition can lead to hair loss.

  • Genetics or aging -  If your family has a history of hair loss, you are more likely to have it as well. The likelihood of hair loss also increases with age.


Stress-related hair loss


Stress has been identified as a cause of hair loss in both men and women. A predominant factor of an increase in women hair loss is stress. Chronic or acute stress has the effect of lowering the production of oestrogens. Testosterone levels may not increase as a result, but it is a powerful hormone. It often becomes more active affecting genetically targeted hair follicles which, had they been functioning properly, would have been protected by higher oestrogenic hormone levels.


Female Pattern Hair Loss/Genetic Hair Loss


Female pattern baldness is usually noticed throughout the scalp, as parts of the scalp become more exposed. It's estimated that one in four women are affected by female pattern hair loss. Whether it will affect you, all depends on whether both your parents carry the dominant hair loss gene - it's unlikely to ever activate as it would in men. 
Genetic hair loss spreads more slowly in women than men. The hair on the top and front of the scalp gradually becomes finer and weaker, and the shaft diameter is reduced. Female hair loss usually consists of an overall thinning of the hair in a diffuse manner, leading to increased scalp exposure.

In more advanced or severe cases, the crown area and the hair growing above the ears are also affected. When this happens, levels of the male hormone testosterone are increased, which may cause other symptoms like oily skin, acne Hirsuitism - a masculine pattern of excessive hair growth on the face and body. Menstrual disturbances and lowered fertility might also accompany this problem.

What are the symptoms?

Female pattern baldness follows a distinctive pattern initially showing a diffuse thinning of hair across the entirety of the scalp followed by the development of a bald patch running in a straight line from front to back of the head. In time, this bald line will expand to the left and right until baldness occurs.

Adrenal Tumor

Hair Loss Following Pregnancy 

Miscarriage or Termination 


Hair changes at the menopause


Diet and Hair Loss

A balanced diet of protein, fats and carbs is essential for healthy hair and overall health, supplements is important for organs, cells and tissues to function properly.

Too much of certain nutrients or deficiencies can cause hair loss.

It is important to seek advice prior to taking Vitamins and minerals.


AGA (male pattern Hair Loss)


Signs of male pattern baldness include a receding hairline at the temples and thinning at the top or crown of the head, which can eventually result in baldness.

Genetic Hair loss is a sensitivity to the male hormone(DHT). This is a shortening of the anagen stage of hair growth, the hair goes into the resting stage at a faster rate. There is reduction in the size of the affected follicles, a finer hair is the result (in diameter).

The hair begins to recede at the temples and thin at the vertex(crown)area. Eventually this spreads to the crown /vertex area. It is believed that an inflammatory lymphocytic infiltrate plays a huge part in attacking areas around the hair follicles. The immune system may play a role in hair AGA.
Because this a considered to be genetic link there is not much to be done however diets high in animal fats triggers the release of more testosterone into the blood stream and plays a big role in hair loss. Advice is to limit stress.

Find out how different Trichology treatments can be for Alopecia Areata and determine at which stage your Alopecia is at present.

Contact us today and schedule your initial consultation.


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 Telogen Effluvium 

A Sudden hair loss all over the head due to: 
fevers exceeding 103 , severe vomiting/diarrhea, Rapid weight loss/crash diet, following childbirth, severe emotional shock, sparsity on eyebrow at the outer half is a sign of thyroid problem (also decrease in auxillary hairs, SHBG should be checked, plus Thyroxin level), surgery especially involving blood loss, stopping or starting birth control medication, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis. 
It is considered temporary and self correcting hair loss which normally recovers within six months. 
White Blood Cells attack hair follicles. 
Diffuse alopecia may develop in hyper thyroidism. 

TE occurs because of a disturbance of the hair cycle that causes the hair to fall out prematurely. 
A large number of the hairs enters the Telogen phase because of stress or hormonal change. 
Shedding occurs only when the new hairs pushes the resting hairs out the follicles. 
TE occurs in both male and female however women experience TE because of hormonal changes due to pregnancy. It can occur at any age. 
There are different types of TE Acute/chronic. 
Acute TE shedding lasting less than 6 months (metabolic physiologic stress 1—6 months before shedding 
Chronic TE—shedding lasting longer than 6 months and the hair density is considerably less, hairs appears to be very thin and dull., because TE is self (for the most part)many short hairs are quite noticeable. If the pull test is done at least 4/5 hairs will be extracted with each pull. A larger percentage of the hairs pulled will be telogen hairs. If greater than 20-25 percent of the hairs pulled are in telogen then TE is confirmed. 
Because TE for the most part is self correcting, many short pointed hairs will be noticeable. 
If pull test is done, at least 4 hairs will be extracted with each pull. A larger percent of pulled hairs will be Telogen hairs. If greater than 20 to 25 percent of the hairs pulled are in telogen then TE is confirmed. 
Hypothroidism, chronic iron deficiency, anorexia, low protein intake, selenium, arsenic should be looked at. 
Medication—anticoagulants, beta-blockers, retinoids (excess vitamin A) carbamazepine, immunization. 

 Seborrhoeic Dermatites 

A yeast malasszia furfur (formerly Pityrosporum ovale) 
Saturated fatty acids have been shown to support malasszia growth. 
Genetic, environmental, hormonal and immune system factors have been shown ot be involved in the manifestation of S.D. 
It may be aggrevated by illness, stress, fatigue, different seasons and general health. 

The first signs: 
Dandruff in the face, behind the ears and areas where the skins folds. Areas become red and flaky. 
In more severe cases, yellowish to reddish scaly pimples appear along the hairline, behind the ear, the eyebrows, bridge of nose, chest, and upper back. 

Zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, 9% climbetale piroctone olamine Clotrimazole Sulphur Eliminate sugar. Yeast lives in sugar. 
Coal tar can be used but not for a prolonged time.
Phototherapy UVA UBV inhibits the growth of the fungus. 

 (Seborrhea) Dandruff Pityriasis Capitis 

Common skin eczema 
High sebum level- affects face, scalp, ears, chest, etc. Sebaceous gland overworking. 
Causes-unknown-a yeast that lives on the skin malassezia furfur, . 
Pityrosporum yeast is related to pityriasis, fungus. 
Does not always itch. 
Attacks people with weakened immune system; example: chemotherapy, HIV or neurological disorders. 
Pityrosporum ovale is more abundant in pityriasis than in the normal scalp and more so in seborrhoeic dermatitis. The yeast does not cause the problem they are more abundant because of the “nutrients”. (sebum) 
Greasy scales (patchy) sticking to the hair could be pityriasis steadoides. 
Itching is common in inflammatory conditions. 
Stress, flushing and sweating could be contributing factors. 

Nizoral Shampoos (ketaconazole) 
Zinc Pyrithione 
Zinc Omadine- all these reduce yeast population. Selenium sulphide, tar, sulphur. 

Telogen Effluvium
Seborrhoeic Dermatites
Dandruff Pityriasis Capitis
Female Hair Loss
Male Hair Loss

"I've been a client of Theresa's for over 10 years and over the course of that time she has transformed the health of my hair. One of the reasons that Theresa is so wonderful, is that she is not just a hair stylist, she is a hair care specialist. She's the best at what she does!" J. Moore, Fairfax, VA


​​Hair Colour Studio

9926 Sowder Village Square


Virginia 20109

(703) 393 6588





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Tuesday 10:00 am-7:00pm

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Thursday 10:00 am-7:00pm
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